Tribute to
Jack Grenard

Jack Grenard is a personality in the industrial automation business - founder of PLC User magazine (which he sold to ISA) and a monthly newsletter which started as PLC Insiders News and became Industrial Controls Intelligence which he sold in late 1999 to Jim Heaton and KVQuest, and has now become Controls Intelligence & Plant Systems Report.

Jack wrote his last column for the newsletter and "retired" in December, 2000 - to focus on sailing on his sailboat in San Diego. He still writes Seafaring Tales as "Kaptain Kalamity".

The December issue of CI&PS included a column Goodbye Grenard written by several of his friends and associates. It included this poem, as a tribute to my friend, Jack Grenard.

      Jack and I met years ago
      At a press conference, very first row
      There he was with smiling face
      Taking notes at a furious pace
      His hand was raised
      His questions blazed
      The very first card
      Was Jack Grenard

        When there was news, the best or worst
        He'd be there, to get it first
        He'd venture where no one had gone
        His tape-recorder was always on
        What you said to him Quoted verbatim
        Always on guard
        That Jack Grenard

      Whenever controversy occurred
      Just like magic, Jack appeared
      It seemed he was always around
      To sniff out news with ear to ground
      He'd publish fast,
      Was never surpassed
      None tried as hard
      As Jack Grenard

      Now we are friends, I’ve sailed on his boat
      Jack is in heaven when he's afloat
      He climbs the mast and trims the sails
      And still writes long seafaring tales
      In his life’s quest
      We wish him the best
      We’ve the highest regard
      For Jack Grenard

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Copyright 2000 : Jim Pinto, San Diego, CA, USA