Pinto Predictions & Possibilities

What's out there in the new century?

The future is closer than you think. Technology acceleration is causing changes - physical, philosophical, psychological, political. will challenge you with predictions and possibilities. And, we'll provide links to forecasts and predictions by respected names, to help you think about the uncertain but exciting time ahead.

Pinto Predictions & Possibilities

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Transition to a different future
Transition to a very different future
More than ever before, the world seems to be poised for rapid change. More and more people are beginning to recognize the naiveté and inadequacy of the present social order. There is an awakening acceptance that many of the old icons have been broken beyond repair, and that a new age is indeed being ushered in. A version of this article was published by San Diego Mensan magazine January 2003.

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21st century prognostications
21st century prognostications
The hard realities of the new century bring the recognition that a new society is emerging - new demographics, institutions, ideologies and problems. Things will be quite different from the society of the late 20th century and different from what most people expect. Much of it will be unprecedented. Most of it is already here, or is rapidly emerging. The original version of this article was published in the popular webzine *spark-online* - issue 28, January 2002

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Soft Solutions
Soft Solutions for Hard Problems
Capitalism and democracy will need to adapt to the realities of the new age. It is clear that the problems we face are hard and cannot be solved by the old hard solutions that might have been effective in the past. New, soft solutions are needed. The coming century is a century of soft things. The original version of this article was published in the popular webzine *spark-online* - issue 27, December 2001

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New age
Intelligence in a New Age
Evolution took millions of years to progress to the development of primates and then Homo sapiens. Over the past ten thousand years, intrinsic human intelligence has changed very little - Socrates would probably have scored at genius level on the Stanford-Binet intelligence test.
The original version of this article was published in
San Diego Mensan - August 2001

Futurescope 2001
Futurescope 2001
Evolution of the TechnoHuman
Evolution is speeding up exponentially. In this next century, technology speed-up will continue with major evolutionary consequences. History makes it evident that man-with-tool inevitably survived and conquered man-without. Technology has caused and will continue to cause significant societal change.
World Future Society - Futurescope 2001,
Minneapolis, MN. USA. July 30, 2001.

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View 2001 : Growth in a Shrinking World
In the blink of an eye we have fast-forwarded to the brink of a New Year, a new century and a new millennium. In this new age, the people who win will be, not scared, but excited about the technology tools that emerge and the new effectiveness and opportunities for growth that this will bring in a shrinking world.

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Evolution of the TechnoHuman
Is technology changing humans? Will the rapid advances in technology in the coming century cause, or allow, a different type of human to evolve? Significant philosophical, ethhical, moral, legal and sociological questions must be answered, as we move forward in the new century and millennium.
First published in : Spark-online, November 2000

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Symbiotic Intelligence
Symbiotic Life in the 21st Century
Humans and Technology - a new level of Life.

Chaos Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 2000. Technology is a tool of evolution. As technology advances accelerate, humans with technology extensions will attain a new level of Life - Symbiosis.

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New Age Conciousness
Intelligence & Conciousness in the New Age
This essay was first published in Spark Online a popular webzine which explores electronic conciousness. Will synthetic intelligence exceed human capabilities? What are the social and philosophical implications?

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Predictions & Possibilities
First written on December 17, 1999, and then updated on January 1,2000 after the arrival of the New Year and Century. A postscript on my previous Millennium Meditations.

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Synthetic Intelligence
The Age of Spiritual Machines - When Computers exceed Human intelligence. Presentation at Dick Morley's Chaos in Manufacturing Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, April '99. With accelerating technology as a tool of evolution, it is simply a matter of time before synthetic intelligence exceeds human capabilities. What then?

Links to the Future

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World Future Society

The World Future Society
A non-profit educational & scientific organization for people interested in how social and technological developments are shaping the future.

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WSJ Futurology

Wall Street Journal - Millennium Edition
The Future Is Now... WSJ looks at the visions of tomorrow that are coming due today. After reviewing dozens of books, magazines, newspaper articles, corporate reports, surveys and white papers from blue-ribbon commissions, they share the best, worst and most interesting of the lot.

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Batelle Forecasts

Batelle Technology Forecasts
A team of top scientists and engineers at Battelle, a world renowned technology organization based in Columbus, Ohio, has compiled a list of the 10 most strategic technological trends that will shape business and our world over the next 20 years.

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Bill Joy of Sun

Why the Future Doesn't need us - Bill Joy of Sun-Micro
Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.

Previous Pinto Prognostications

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New Age Conciousness
Intelligence & Conciousness in the New Age
This essay was first published in Spark Online a popular webzine which explores electronic conciousness. Will synthetic intelligence exceed human capabilities? What are the social and philosophical implications?

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Copyright 2001 : Jim Pinto, San Diego, CA, USA