Who are you tomorrow?

By: Jim Pinto - JimPinto.com
Technology Futurist

Outline of the speech presented at

Grayslake Central High School
Grayslake, IL. USA
9 November 2006

Speech at Grayslake Central High School, at a National Honors Society Convocation. The presentation was to a group of high school Juniors and Seniors, outstanding young adults, the leaders of tomorrow.

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Who Am I?

  • 68, born in India, England 9 years (19), USA 40 years (San Diego, California)
  • Founder (formerly President) of High-tech company Action Instruments
  • Technology Futurist
  • Speaker, Writer, Author (2 books)
  • Industrial Automation Business Consultant
  • Angel Investor (High-tech)

Who are YOU?

  • High-school honors students
    • Intelligent Teens
    • Your whole life ahead of you
  • Teachers
    • Care about their students
    • Want the best for them

Who are you – tomorrow?

  • 10 years (2016) – 20-something
    • Choice of career path
    • Choice of location – US, Europe, Global
    • Single or linked-up
  • 20 years (2026) – 30-something
    • Career launched – often defines you
    • Where in the country/world?
    • Still single? Married with kids?

Why Are We Here?

  • To view the future
    • Trends (not predictions)
  • The Future Will Happen - Whether We Like It Or Not!
  • You can/must choose who and what you will be tomorrow
  • You can be whatever you choose


  • World of tomorrow
    • Different, Exciting, Fun
  • E-speed
    • Accelerating change
  • History Versus Future
    • Rear-view mirror is misleading
  • New negative factors
    • Terrorism

100 Years Ago (in America)

  • The average life expectancy was 47
  • 10% of adults were illiterate; 6% had graduated from high school
  • 14% of homes had a bathtub; 8% had a telephone
  • A 3-min coast-to-coast telephone call cost $11
  • There were 8,000 cars and 144 miles of paved roads
  • The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph
  • The average wage was 22 cents an hour
  • The average worker made about $200 per year
  • Annual pay: accountant $2,000, mechanical engineer $5,000
  • More than 95% of births took place at home.
  • 90% of physicians had no college education
  • Most women only washed their hair once a month and used borax
  • The leading causes of death in the were Pneumonia, Influenza, Tuberculosis and Diarrhea
  • The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was 30

Century ago predictions (1901)

  • Worldwide telephone
  • Worldwide color photo instant transfer
  • Rise of China, Japan & Africa
  • Round-the-world trip in 7 days; global travel for everyone
  • Warships in the air
  • Air conditioner
  • Advanced voice transmitter
  • Picture telephone
  • Shopping by picture telephone
  • Electricity as fuel
  • Bullet trains
  • Medical treatment without pain or medication
  • Automobiles without horses
  • Advanced education
  • Countrywide electricity distribution

1901 failed predictions

  • Green Sahara
  • Extermination of flies & fleas
  • Cultivation by electricity of tropical plants in Greenland
  • Worldwide railroad network
  • Natural disaster control
  • Animal language literacy
  • Extinct wild animals
  • Rubber tire trains in the air & under the ground
  • Everybody taller than 6 ft.

If the world had 100 people

  • 1 person with college education
  • 67 adults - 37 illiterate
  • Only 33 have access to clean, safe drinking water
  • 15 people would live in adequate housing
  • The other 85 people would live in huts and be hungry most of the time
  • 6 people would control half the wealth - 3 of the 6 would be Americans
  • 7 people would own an automobile - Some would own more than one
How will this change in the next 10-20 years?

Major Trends

  • Accelerating Change
  • Globalization – clash of cultures
  • Internet
  • The innovation economy
  • Fuel – the post-oil future
  • Longevity – longer and healthier lives
  • Weird Science
  • Security against terrorism
  • Climate Change

The 3 technology laws

  • Moore’s Law
    • Processing power doubles every 18 months
  • Gilder’s Law
    • Bandwidth doubles every 12 months
  • Metcalfe’s Law
    • Effectiveness increases exponentially with the number of connections

    All 3 laws predict exponential advances

Globalization – Flat World

  • The rise of China & India
    • 2 of 5 people
  • Global communications
    • Cheap phone calls anywhere
  • Knowledge & Education
    • Internet makes it available everywhere
  • The ingredients of innovation & Motivation
    • "You can’t simulate hunger"

The innovation economy

  • Will determine future leadership
  • 4 power-tools – info-tech, biotech, nanotech, neurotech
  • Education is the key
  • Knowledge is Power

Top Technologies

  • Communications
  • Energy
  • Nanotechnology
  • Bio Technology
    • Cloning
    • Genetic engineering

Top innovations in 2020

  • Internet commerce – 4 billion people
  • Hydrogen engines for transport
  • Health enhancement for humans
  • Domestic robots
  • Nanotech manufacturing

  • Wireless and pervasive Internet
  • Telephone and TV will be Internet
  • Free real-time access to information
  • Email will be multi-media
  • Video-conferencing widely available
  • Personal privacy will be a major issue
  • The Flat world

Energy Trends

  • Global demands will outpace supply
  • Energy linked to all vital services
  • New Energy investment and innovation
  • Pollution must stop
  • Energy terrorism

Nano-Bio-Neuro Tech trends

  • Nanotech
    • Military nano/bio weapons
    • Nano-robots
    • Self-assembling smart-materials
    • Nano/bio medicine
  • BioTech
    • Genetic Engineering
    • Disease prevention
    • Longevity
  • Neurotech
    • Stem-cell organ replacement
    • Brain-machine implants
    • Age reversal
    • Robotic arms & legs

21st Century Bodies

  • Body and Brain will be enhanced together
  • Enhancing bodies cell by cell
  • Nano technology - building atom by atom
  • Building replicas - Clones
  • Hey, why do we need bodies?
    • Virtual bodies?

Future Medical Tech

  • Restoring sight, hearing
  • Artificial limbs
  • Depression management
  • Organ cloning
  • Memory restoration

Average life expectancy

  • Cro Magnon man - 18 years
  • Ancient Egypt - 25
  • 1400 Europe - 30
  • 1800 Europe & U.S. - 37
  • 1900 U.S. - 48
  • 2006 U.S. - 78
  • 2020 U.S. - 90+

Workforce trends

  • Global war for talent
  • Innovation is the key driver
  • Population Aging – dramatic effects
  • Women will dominate the workforce
  • Increased immigration needed

Top Three Impacts

  • Social
    • Warfare/Terrorism
    • Religion (all kinds)
    • Ageing Population
  • Environmental
    • Pollution, Waste disposal, eWaste
  • Education
    • Training to keep abreast

Social Changes

  • Libraries gone
  • Solo businesses grow
  • Real estate and wireless
    • Live where you work - Theme villages
    • Home is a package, not a building
  • Politics shape business and technology
    • Global warming, terrorism
  • Schools – Internet-linked
  • Basic local medical care – WalMart
  • Personal Security
  • Comfort vs. growth
  • Tech over-dependency
    • Books and hands
  • Shopping malls of tomorrow


  • Exclusivism - I'm Right and You're Wrong
  • Pluralism - We Can Live Together (2025)
  • Inclusivism - We're Becoming One Family (2050)

Tomorrow's Climate

  • Will threaten prosperity, security, peace
  • Clean-tech will become a major global business
  • New collaboration – long-term effects
  • Water-shortage

Innovation Economy Top jobs

  • Pharma/health
  • Energy
  • Manufacturing
  • Nano-bio-neuro
  • Communications
  • Transportation
  • Security
  • Entertainment
  • Education & learning

Future-ready skills

  • Positive Outlook
  • Family & community involvement
  • Commitment to Values
  • Higher education
  • Science & Tech skills
  • Financial awareness & money management

Education for future workforce

  • More innovation-driven
  • Global awareness
  • More high-tech
  • Don't teach about the past - prepare for the future

Creating Wealth

  • The Only Ways to Create Wealth
    • New Ideas
    • Technology
  • Cheaper, Faster, Better
  • Two things you can utilize
    • People (Work, Ideas, innovation)
    • Resources (Oil, etc.)


  • Focus - follow your passion
  • DON'T fall into short-term jobs
  • Make a difference
    • Develop the "feeling" that you can make a difference
  • Stay "technical" – Computer savvy
    • No need to be a "geek"
  • Take language classes
    • Spanish, French, Chinese
  • Move away to get experience - another state/country

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