The technology laws
Some technology laws actually are laws, defining how things operate.
Ohm's Law relates voltage across a component to the product of its
resistance and the current through it. Kirchoff's Laws deal with
the sum of currents at any point in a circuit. These are the
bedrock of electrical engineering.
But the popular laws, the ones that have become well known in the
mainstream, are not really laws at all. They are mostly empirical,
rules of thumb.
Like Murphy's Law, which was first formulated in 1949 by Ed Murphy
Jr., an aerospace engineer (not the comedian). After a botched test,
he declared: "If there are two or more ways to do something, and one
of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it."
Other less verbose, more colloquial and picturesque versions
of Murphy's Law soon followed.
Here are the "laws" that define exponential advances of technology:
- Moore's Law: The number of transistors on a chip doubles annually.
- Rock's Law: The cost of semiconductor tools doubles every 4 years.
- Machrone's Law: The PC you want to buy will always be $5000.
- Metcalfe's Law: A network's value grows in proportion to the square
of the number of its users.
- Wirth's Law: Software execution is slowing faster than hardware is
- Gilder's Law: Bandwidth grows at least three times faster than
computer power.
IEEE Spectrum - The 5 Commandments
Murphy's Technology Laws
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The law of media oscillation
How do you get your news? Newspapers? (My grandfather said,
"It must be true, I read it in the papers".) Time or Newsweek?
(I know someone who said, "I don't know what to think,
I haven't read TIME yet.") We all recognize that these print
media are owned by large corporations, with significant bias.
Or, do you watch your news on TV? If you're one of the few who don't
have cableTV, then you get your news from the major networks. Or,
with cable, you have FOX News, CNN or MSNBC - repeatedly broadcasting
the same stuff, their talking heads providing endless opinions.
Political labels are over-simplified. To demonstrate fairness, weak
opposition is trotted out and shouted down. Discussion is reduced to
cheerleading and attack in the simplest possible terms. Subtle nuances
are completely lost in the noise.
As part of the push for the broadest possible public appeal, celebrity
gossip replaces factual news. Disasters take precedence, the gorier
the better. Entertainment, propaganda and advertising alternate with
frequency calculated to maximize the viewing audience and advertising
revenues. Truth and Justice are irrelevant. Genuine public-interest
programs are relegated to secondary public-TV stations.
Technology guru George Gilder writes (summarized here):
"Television is not vulgar because people are vulgar; it is vulgar
because people are similar in relatively lower-level ways - prurient
interests, morbid fears and anxieties, shocks and sensations. Because
TV appeals to the lowest common denominator, it causes the culture
to become depraved."
Which brings us to the "Law of Media Oscillation". The TV news
process demands a series of sine curves to keep everyone interested.
Up one week, down the next. The only safe prediction is that a static,
unchanging political narrative is impossible, because it's boring.
Stuff happens in war, politics and the celebrity scene. When it
doesn't, the media half-consciously rearranges all the atoms of
emphasis and particles of story choice to make it optimally
interesting to the broadest possible audience. The truth is
Newsweek - The New Law of Uncertainty
Gilder - Life after television
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More on American energy independence
I've had a lot of response on the issue of American energy
independence. Most people recognize our over-dependence on foreign
oil, but still think that alternate sources of energy are too far
in the future. Let's be clear - this issue is important, not only
today, but in the near and far future. Clearly we must begin -
the sooner the better.
A key point that was perhaps missed in my previous summary is this:
Renewable energy looks expensive until the price of the US military
protection of imported oil is considered by comparison. US taxpayers
spends billions every year to pay for military hardware, considered
an investment in America's security. The same argument can be made
in favor of "investing" in a national renewable energy infrastructure.
The hardware is expensive, not the energy created by the hardware.
Several people have pointed out that most energy sources are "energy
inefficient" - the cost to produce is more the energy derived.
Interestingly, some people compare oil to a "battery" that was
produced over hundreds of thousands of years, and can now be used
by extracting the stored (and limited) resources.
Many experienced people insist that the ONLY energy efficient source
available today is Nuclear - which can easily serve all requirements
for the foreseeable future. The problem is safety - the dangers of
radiation exposure and contamination, which is widely misunderstood.
A nuclear power plant has the lowest environmental impact of
anything available today, for the amount of energy produced.
The energy density of nuclear fission (energy available per kg
of fuel) is the highest of any option today. This reduces both
the use of natural resources, and the impact of resource extraction.
Clearly, a major investment in clean, safe nuclear fuel must be
a major objective on the road to energy independence.
Here are some additional weblinks for those who would like to
pursue this important subject further.
The Real Price Of Gas
Nuclear Power - A Clean, Safe Alternative
"Global Warning" movie - produced & narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio
Visit the American Energy Independence website
American energy independence is a political choice, not financial
or technological. This website includes a link to help you find the
email address of your elected representatives in congress, with
a suggested letter expressing support for Energy Independence:
Take Action - via the American Energy Independence website
Please send your comments, feedback and suggestions to Ron Bengston:
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Exporting jobs to stay competitive
In today’s global markets every business is pitted against
worldwide competitors with consistently improving productivity,
better performance and shrinking prices.
With the recent lack of growth, US automation suppliers are looking
to maintain or increase profits through the only means available -
reducing costs through offshore outsourcing. Beyond just labor,
knowledge work such as design and engineering services are also
being outsourced.
This trend has already become significant, causing joblessness
not only for manufacturing labor, but also for traditionally
high-paying engineering positions. Supposedly innovation, the true
source of value, remains; but that too is in danger of being
dissipated - sacrificed to a short-term search for profit.
For the US, the choices are clear: Move strongly to maintain a lead
in technology innovation. In the face of slow growth, this means
a strong commitment to a high level of investment in R&D, plus
continued stimulation of an education and business infrastructure,
which the world recognizes as the basis of our leadership.
My new article on this subject was just published in the December
2003 issue of Automation World.
Jim Pinto: Exporting jobs to stay competitive
Automation World - exporting jobs to stay competitive
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On the subject of energy independence, Michael Tsoukias
[] wrote:
"The safe nuclear option is the only road to true energy independence.
The US is falling behind every day, after being the leader in this
field, and despite having 20% of our electricity coming from nuclear
energy (plus a lot of naval reactors). The big drawback is not capital
expense, nor even safety (the safeguards and remedies are known).
The problem is political.
"Today, France is the world's nuclear energy leader - over 75% of
their grid is nuclear. To operate a nuclear-based energy economy
requires a highly educated and trained population pool - not merely
high school or Community College, but Masters and PhDs by the tens of
thousands. This needs decades-long education planning, not slogans.
"In the US, our technical education system is creaking, because we
turn out lawyers and MBAs by the hundreds of thousands. We think it
is cheaper to import engineers and scientists and doctors from India
and China, as we import laborers from Central America. This hastens
the proletarianization of the professions, leading to a declining,
caste-centered society.
"In the past, the job of the Congressional Science Advisory Office
was to give the latest valid scientific advice to members of Congress.
It was closed down, supposedly to save $10 million a year. We can
only guess (and tremble) at how much legislation is based on
technical ignorance."
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Jiri Baum [] on electronic voting:
"One of the things about a voting system is that not only does it
have to give the right answer, it must be seen to give the right
answer. Even the possibility of fraud is a big problem, regardless
of whether or not it occurs.
"The likes of Diebold machines fail this test. The only public
scrutiny they're subjected to is a quick functional test. It would
not take a genius to add a 'bug' to the program which reassigns a
small percentage of the votes under voting-day conditions, and it
would be practically undetectable.
"One solution is to add the receipt printers and have voters deposit
them in a traditional ballot box, but it increases cost. (Essentially,
the machine will then be a very expensive variant of an exit poll.)
"Another solution is to make the voting software Open Source, as it
is here in Australia in the electronic voting pilots. Diebold would
still make their money, since they produce the hardware and the
consulting to make it work. But, any interested citizen would be able
to obtain a copy of the code and check for any discrepancies. Few
would actually do so, of course, but it only takes one person finding
a problem, and the specter of scrutiny alone would serve to keep the
manufacturer fair."
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